
forest edge Learn more about forest edge

  • Cultivation techniques of Scutellaria spinosa Bud under Forest intercropping

    Cultivation techniques of Scutellaria spinosa Bud under Forest intercropping

    Planting technique 1.1.The planting site should be sunny slope, semi-sunny slope and semi-shady slope with good drainage, ≤ 30 °, located in the middle and lower abdomen of the slope, and do not choose the tuyere. 1.1.1...

  • Planting methods of shade-tolerant ground cover plant ferns

    Planting methods of shade-tolerant ground cover plant ferns

    Most pteridophytes have strong shade tolerance, strong adaptability and resistance, and can survive in adverse environment, especially in those places where the soil is barren, hidden and unsuitable for cultivation. In these places, the use of pteridophyte scenery, greening is the best choice, and ferns grow fast.

  • Planting method of shade-tolerant ground cover plant purple calyx

    Planting method of shade-tolerant ground cover plant purple calyx

    Jade hairpin of Liliaceae is a perennial herb, which is mainly distributed in wild gully edges and shady and humid places under forests in East and Southwest China. Like warm and humid climate, like shade, avoid long-term direct sunlight, strong tillering ability and cold resistance, not strict requirements for soil. The general soil can grow well. Return to green in the first and middle of April

  • Planting method of shade-tolerant ground cover plant Huoxue Dan

    Planting method of shade-tolerant ground cover plant Huoxue Dan

    Huoxue Dan, also known as Euphorbia angustifolia, Euphorbia angustifolia, etc., is a perennial creeping herb of Labiatae. Leaves opposite, long-stalked, margin crenate, pubescent on both sides of veins. Flowers born in leaf axils, 2 to 6 whorled, lip-shaped, lavender or pink, flowering from March to April

  • Planting method of shade tolerant ground cover plant snake berry

    Planting method of shade tolerant ground cover plant snake berry

    A perennial herb of the genus Ophiuchus of the Rosaceae family, growing on hillsides, roadsides, grasses, and damp places. Snake berry grows rapidly and has strong ability to cover the ground. Its leaves, flowers and fruits have high ornamental value. From April to May, yellow flowers are decorated on it during flowering season, breaking the monotony of green.

  • Life Habits of Civet

    Life Habits of Civet

    Life Habits of Civet

  • Planting method of shade-tolerant ground cover plant Euphorbia mandshurica

    Planting method of shade-tolerant ground cover plant Euphorbia mandshurica

    Dawu Chrysanthemum is a perennial evergreen herb. The leaves are bright green and glossy, blooming in late autumn and yellow. Like semi-overcast and humid environment, afraid of direct sunlight, cold-resistant, can survive the winter in the open field in the south of the Yangtze River. Ramet culture is commonly used, combined with turning the basin and changing the soil in spring, shaking off the soil after taking off the basin.

  • Planting method of Broad-leaved Phyllostachys pubescens with shade-tolerant ground cover

    Planting method of Broad-leaved Phyllostachys pubescens with shade-tolerant ground cover

    Phyllostachys pubescens broad-leaved bamboo is a shrub bamboo of Gramineae, with a height of 0.5 to 1 meter. Ruo bamboo is native to East and Central China, which is rich in wild resources and widely distributed, and is also cultivated in Beijing and the south. Strong adaptability, cold tolerance, wet and drought tolerance, lax soil requirements

  • Planting method of shade-tolerant ground cover plant Hosta

    Planting method of shade-tolerant ground cover plant Hosta

    The hairpin is a perennial perennial herb of the family Liliaceae. Its leaves are large and strange, the leaves are bright and green, the scape stands erect on the leaves, the flowers and leaves are all beautiful, bloom from July to September, and the flowers are as white as Jasper and fragrant. It is a beautiful and elegant summer ornamental flower. Now, there are more varieties of horticulture, and more varieties of flowers and leaves enrich the vision.

  • Spodoptera litura

    Spodoptera litura

    Spruce cone roll moth [Cydiastrobilella (Linnaeus)], alias spruce cone roll moth, belongs to Lepidoptera. It is distributed in Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai, * * and other places in China, mainly harming spruce and larch. The larvae damage cones and seeds, the injured cones bend and produce fat, and the scales of fruit drop often do not open. The morphological characteristics of adults are about 6mm in length and 10-13mm in wingspan. Head, chest and abdomen are grayish black. The lower lip extends forward and bends slightly

  • A dreamy little flower-- falling a bride

    A dreamy little flower-- falling a bride

    Bride: the whole grass shrinks. Stem Terete, 1-4 mm in diam., surface brownish yellow; base with brown membranous scaly hairs or long soft. Basal leaves 2-3 Ternate, broken, complete leaflets lanceolate, ovate, broad oval.

  • Planting method of shade-tolerant ground cover plant Zijinniu

    Planting method of shade-tolerant ground cover plant Zijinniu

    Purple Taurus family purple Taurus is an evergreen shrub, which is also called Lao Wu Da, ground orange, flat wood and so on. It is a blindly Chinese herbal medicine. Plant height 10 to 30 cm, leaves nearly leathery, light green above, light green below. Flowering from June to September, with small, white or pink flowers. Fruit from August to December, red when ripe

  • Investigation on Medicinal Plant groups and Resources of Nanzhonglou formation in Shaanxi Province

    Investigation on Medicinal Plant groups and Resources of Nanzhonglou formation in Shaanxi Province

    Shaanxi Zhonglou belongs to the investigation fund project of medicinal plant groups and resources of Nanzhonglou Group: public health project of traditional Chinese medicine (201207002); scientific research project of traditional Chinese medicine industry (2011); provincial key laboratory of Shaanxi Provincial Education Department in 2012.

  • The living habits of mountain turtledoves

    The living habits of mountain turtledoves

    The living habits of mountain turtledoves

  • Knowledge of jungle bonsai modeling

    Knowledge of jungle bonsai modeling

    The forest phase structure beauty and the color beauty of the four seasons of the tree community reflected by the jungle form are incomparable to other bonsai. It embodies the ecological mechanism of competition and cooperation among plants in the natural environment, which is the survival of life in nature.

  • Cultivation techniques of intercropping Lentinus edodes in fast-growing forest in Beijing

    Cultivation techniques of intercropping Lentinus edodes in fast-growing forest in Beijing

    In order to protect and improve the ecological environment of the capital, the artificial fast-growing forest in the suburbs of Beijing has developed rapidly in recent years. Due to the long time of growing up, there is a contradiction between the short-term benefits of farmers and the long-term benefits of afforestation, which affects the enthusiasm of farmers for afforestation. Therefore, the effective use of idle land resources in the forest to develop edible fungus production is an effective way to accelerate afforestation farmers to get rich. Taking Lentinus edodes as an example, this paper introduces the cultivation techniques of fast-growing forest intercropping edible fungi. 1 cultivation site selection woodland intercropping Lentinus edodes fruiting body development stage is carried out in the forest, suitable

  • Introduction to the breeding methods of Gowardesh

    Introduction to the breeding methods of Gowardesh

    Gowardesh, which was first found in the Altai Mountains, is a perennial herb. Gowardesh is a common flowering plant, which is now often used in flower border materials or in the layout of rock gardens, so how should dogdoll flowers reproduce?

  • Cultivation Techniques of Coprinus comatus in Forest in Summer

    Cultivation Techniques of Coprinus comatus in Forest in Summer

    Cultivation Techniques of Coprinus comatus in Forest in Summer

  • Artificial culture techniques of forest frog

    Artificial culture techniques of forest frog

    Artificial culture techniques of forest frog

  • The price of the seedling market is still at a low ebb in 2016, and nursery households should "take the edge of the sword".

    The price of the seedling market is still at a low ebb in 2016, and nursery households should

    The price of the seedling market is still at a low ebb in 2016, and nursery households should "take the edge of the sword".
